
The Title

OK, so this is my first post and as my introduction too.
Firstly, why do I blog? Do I only follow the trend that is going in this world?
I can say no, because I have several reasons why I start blogging.
Initially, I just wanted to improve my writing skills and style as my English marks in school is quite unsatisfying. And I like writing and nobody will give marks to my writing here, therefore I can use any style that I want as in school I have to follow certain rules although it is 'free' writing. However, as I put more thoughts into it, blog may be the most suitable medium that is available for me to pour my ideas that are running ferociously in my head. Another positive thing about blogging is that I can share my views through the posts and I hope this can be useful or 'entertaining' (if possible) for other people. Or maybe, hopefully, this can trigger anybody's mind as I share my opinions about a particular topic. Twitter may be to short for me to write myriad things.

Why Tea Jug?
If you know my nickname, which is TJ, "Tea Jug" is just the abbreviation from my name, i know it is quite lame. On the other hand, it is quite catchy, right? Another thing, as there is a saying, "An apple a day, keep the doctors away" and so "A cup of tea a day, keep your mind vigilant"

Why 'Think Tank, Tong!'?
I am just trying to make an alliteration here to make it more catchy. But, it has a meaning also, not just merely nonsense. Think Tank, basically it means a storage of ideas, opinions, thoughts that someone has collected over a period of time by experiencing and paying close attention to several events. And Tong, which is basically only a tool made of metal to pick your food usually, means to do or to pick up things that someone have been thinking about. So, it will not end up only in the head, but better to share it to the world which will enrich the person itself. That is why this blog is made

What is the content?
I am not going to write about my daily activities since nobody is interested in knowing them(and since some of my activities are meant not to be told, better to keep them myself [if you know what i mean]). In this blog, I will only write about 2 things: a very serious topic and a total bullshit, no gray, only black and white.


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